设计师融入20世纪初期原汁原味的设计细节,将Art Deco机械美学,辐射状的线条,展现出现代感。
娱乐空间的色彩语言能够在第一时间影响客人的情绪体验,而设计师对色彩的运用,又有几分提香的神韵,质感黑色奠定了空间沉郁神秘的底色,紫色显示出时尚气息,氛围气质尽显。木饰面墙上的几何组合挂画,拥有鲜明的装饰效果与简洁的形式,不同的色块组合,不同的材质碰撞,每一处独立的空间都是惊艳。介以艺术的丰澹和Art Deco的审美取向成就一种独特的创意重生,向人们呈现了一个美学力量和艺术精神兼具的娱乐空间。
在银河国际俱乐部设计中利用玻璃既透明又反射的戏剧化效果,去展现被隐藏的内容;去定格那些短暂的瞬间;去表达那些无言的话语;去精致地体现出光影的玩味与周边环境的融洽平衡…… “眉间是银河,眼中有星辰”。 星光自金属铝板点点洒落,光影中散发着静谧的未来之感。自然万物充满无限的生命力与想象,不锈钢水波纹天花渲染着宇宙的静谧,传输一种美好的信息。 缓缓至夜幕的星空,带着一丝神秘和慵懒,柔和了空间的冷冽。结构的交错界面,体块构成重叠的空间秩序,穿梭而过之时,宛如置身楼宇之间。深深浅浅的光影,塑造着空间的雕塑感。钻石星空灯里,或星空、或雨林、或海洋,不同的情景设计,将观者的视线紧紧锁住,带入奇幻的境域。 科幻、声光、艺术带给我们的不仅仅是想象力的延伸、未来生活的图景。它更以人与自然的角逐扣问人性,现实生活之外,直面过去与未来,与这个世界握手言和的勇气。 According to Freud, "experience is a kind of momentary fantasy: it is the memory of the past -- the reminiscence of what has been realized in the past. It's also the feeling of the present -- the image that was previously stored." Therefore, the dramatic effect of both transparent and reflective glass is used in galaxy international club design to reveal the hidden content. To freeze those brief moments, To express the wordless words, To delicately reflect the playfulness of light and shadow and the harmonious balance of the surrounding environment... "The Milky Way is between the eyebrows, and the stars are in the eye." Starlight from the metal aluminum plate bit by bit, light and shadow emitting a sense of quiet future. Natural things are full of infinite vitality and imagination, stainless steel water ripple ceiling rendering the universe quiet, transmission of a beautiful message. Slowly to the night sky, with a mysterious and lazy languid, soft cold space. The interlaced interface of the structure, the volume forms the overlapping spatial order, when shuttling through, just like being in between buildings. Deep light and shadow, shaping the sculpture of the space.Diamond star lamp, or the sky, or rain forest, or the ocean, different scene design, the viewer's vision tightly locked, into the fantasy realm. Exquisite and dexterous like pendant general crystal device, appear elegant and chic between soft and just dialogue. Science fiction, sound and light, and art bring us more than just an extension of our imagination and a picture of our future life. It is more of the competition between man and nature to question human nature, outside the real life, face the past and the future, and the courage to make peace with the world.
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